FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
With average rents ranging from $120 per square foot to $160 per square foot 82nd Street in Jackson Heights might be Queens most expensive Street.
Queens BLVD has many local and national retailers as its tenants. However the type of traffic and exposure you’re going to get on Queens BLVD is different from some of Queens other well known retail strips. Queens BLVD gets very heavy vehicle traffic, however it does not get the heavy foot traffic that you’ll get on a street like 82nd Street, Steinway Street, or Roosevelt Ave. So if you’re looking for your brand to be seen by many people and to have more of a billboard effect then Queens BLVD will give you the exposure you’re looking for. But you’ll get less pedestrians walking by and walking into your store then you would on some of Queens more heavily foot trafficked streets.
The answer to this is definitely yes. Queens has many well known national retail tenants and you can find different national tenants throughout the different neighborhoods of Queens.